Posts Tagged ‘freeform lace’

From Idea to Form

Monday, February 17th, 2014


On how I transform something from an idea into some form, this pic says much.   I have always thought any ‘line’ can be a cut, a seam or a line of stitches.   So using a pic I’ve taken of some pattern,  and using some form of my very, very basic, tech tools –  in  this case PE11  (Photoshop Elements 11) – I will choose to resize, manipulate, re-draw, change colours, whatever .  Those photo-editing programs are wonderful, but as I say I just go ‘basic’, more or less one or two steps up from the lead pencil and simple diagrams+lists  I’ve always done.  Here I have collaged a sample with part of a sand pattern photo on which I drew with PE11 to show how my brain takes an image to a form via fabric and thread.

I was recently asked where my ideas come from.  All over the place ! is my  answer.   Right now ‘holes’ and ‘lace – widest interpretation of’ are on my mind as I am focus less on The Quilt itself, and more on wherever exploration takes me with mixed media and stitch.  Since the late ’70’s the wheel has turned a full circle, I think.

Patterns Of Holes – Current Exploration

Monday, October 28th, 2013

These couple of beach photos show why I find patterns on the sand inspiring – although I have only just connected them to my current ‘holes’ focus.  They are of sand ripples and drainage lines of course; but to each photo I have added some sketch lines to highlight the potential of such patterns as ‘holes’, which to me mean ‘lace’ of a freeform kind.

In this first one,  I sketched in some lines to show how I see irregularly edged fabric with cut holes, and stitch on patterns suggested by the drainage lines, and knotty things of some kind like the little lumpy bits on the sand.

sand lace 2 web


And in the second, I have quickly sketched around shapes to show you why I am thinking ‘free form lace ‘ of a kind.

sand lace 3 web

And, if I made some holes with a crochet hook or knitting needles,  both those would provide additional textures …hmm, possibilities.

I’ve already hacked various sized and shaped holes into a variety of fabrics this morning, and now they and some of the cutout bits (these in a mesh bag) are all  swirling around in the long wash cycle.  After a spell in the dryer I hope some interestingly frayed and inspiring pieces of fabric will take me to another step in what I have in mind.



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