Textile Exhibition Montevideo August 2014

Last August I visited a wonderful textile show at MAPI, the Museo del Arte Precolumbino e Indigena.  A lovely small museum,  on Calle 25 de Mayo in the old city; you can easily find info on line at  http://www.mapi.uy/informacion_de_interes.html MAPI Montevideo

It was not until I found those photos today, that I realised why I hadn’t written anything about it at the time: late last August, several weeks before scheduled surgery ‘they’ suddenly brought the date forward – no emergency on my part, but there must have been a vacancy or something.  In the flurry of suddenly dropping everything, and the aftermath of recovery and rehab, this excellent exhibition was forgotten, and I’m sorry as it would have been nice to post it while the show was on.  Worse – and even though I remember the works – now I have to research some of the names and match them up with their works I photographed, as not all had a swing tag placed helpfully as this one!

This first exhibit is by one of my favourite textile artists here.   Siv Goransson produces wonderful garments and objects of felted wool.  Her work is found in the Manos del Uruguay shops and in the several artisan market galleries – one on the Plaza Cagancha and the other in the basement of the market building  on San Jose near Ejido, probably in other places too.   Some very special people have received one of her scarves that I buy from time to time, and mostly in typically glorious colour, and you can find lots of images here http://tinyurl.com/qy5hzvc.  This poncho however is in very dramatic black and white, with a lovely tasselled edge.  Very elegant.


siv goransson detail blog siv goransson full blog



As I now have some research to do for the others, I’ll make this into a series, the next post in which will appear in the  next couple of days.

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