Coming This Week – 2024 SAQA Benefit Auction

In exactly 7 days from almost this minute, the SAQA Benefit Auction will open with Diamond Day on Friday, September 13 when any piece is available for $1,000; the first bidder wins…. and any piece you love can be bought any time for $1000, you don’t have to wait for its listing group to come up!

The rest of this reverse-price auction is divided into three sections, with a new section open each Monday:

Section 1: Sept 16 – Sept 22

Section 2: Sept 23 – Sept 29

Section 3: Sept 30 – Oct 6

Bidding online is open to anyone around the world – you do not need to be a SAQA member to bid in this auction! For bidding information go to All the works being offered can be seen at

Bid prices start at $750 per quilt and drop each day at 2pm EDT (GMT/UTC -4) until they reach $100 on Saturday. The following Monday, the bidding pattern repeats until the auction closes on October 6. Remaining pieces will be available in the SAQA Store.

Good luck – and I hope YOU might be adding to your collection of Alison Schwabe pieces, OR that you are about to become my newest collector !

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