Yesterday I followed up on how those gifted knitting samples unravel and separate out into 6 strands, with which I hand stitched on Moth Buffet a couple of years ago. At that time I was 100% all in for hand work, and it never occurred to me to try to sew with it by machine, apart from couching, which didn’t interest me particularly.
At the top of the sample are two sets of the stitching with the wool strand feeding from both the top and the bobbin. Of course I had to loosen tension, use a jeans sewing needle, and set the stitch length to the longest on my very basic Bernina, and found it gave a great line.
The top pair are what the underside looks like, a little wonky. I then turned the fabric over for the next pair to compare the results, and did a little stitching between them as that is a border possibility. Different, better.
The pieces of the pewter metallic finish I’m so interested in are shown with several treatments. Also, a bit of distortion occurs when I unthinkingly (a) pull the thread a bit firmly and (b) use the needle on a slant – it needs to enter and leave the fabric as vertically as possible.
Tags: hand stitch, machine stitch, pewter metallic finish polyester, wool